
Thanks To Our Retiring Raiderettes!


This year the competition was fierce in Las Vegas. With a pandemic affecting Las Vegas shows, there are hundreds of the world’s best dancers looking for opportunities. There are also models that do trade shows and advertising who are out of work. Las Vegas ambassador showgirls are no longer publicizing the city. Half of the cocktail servers in the valley are currently looking for other forms of income. Since the Raiderettes relocated, many of the existing girls did not choose to leave their lives in the Bay Area or missed the cut. We counted 12 retired Cheerleaders for 2020. Above is our tribute and thank you.

A Series…

Introducing Our Rookies

Raiderette Natali

Raiderette Lifestyles 

Being a Raiderette is HUGE! It’s an honor, and only the best of the best need apply for the job. Don’t get me wrong, it is HARD work! The hiring process is grueling and unpaid. You must be pretty, smart, in good shape and know about the team. The pay for cheering is not good. Women cheer for many reasons. However, it is not for the money. Game day and personal appearances are what you are paid for, not for practice or beautification hours.

There are Rules, Rules and more Rules. Their job is about image and the NFL, and teams take it very seriously. Therefore, the NFL made its own rules for all the organizations to follow. After the NFL’s rules come each team’s rules. Besides behavior, beauty, and modeling, the big rule is about players. Cheerleaders may not associate with the players socially even on social media.

Oakland Raiders Raiderettes cheerleaders

You Must Look Perfect At All Times

In 2018 the Raiders cheerleader handbook was leaked to the press. One clause said “It is imperative that whenever you leave your home you look ‘put-together’, so when someone recognizes you (and they will), they can say, “Raiderettes always look fabulous.”

It cited celebrities who get photographed looking less than stellar saying, “Cell phone cameras are everywhere — be camera-ready!” Another report said that with the fine system, they could work free for the day. Another said that they could not wear sweats. There were guidelines as to hair, make-up and weight.

When you see the Raiderettes, know that they are there for the fun and for the love of the team and the game. They make a difference in the community and put smiles on faces in the crowd. Good bye to the retiring cheerleaders and Hello to the new ones. Thank you for your energy and for our smiles!

Oakland Raiders Raiderettes cheerleaders


Link to The History of the Raiderettes Video and Article

different uniforms for Las Vegas raiders cheerleaders over 60 years

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